Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4
Gallery 5
Gallery 6
Gallery 7
Gallery 8
Photographer & Artist Web Template
This template includes 8 gallery pages. You can add as many galleries as you like. This template also includes a javascript driven Paypal shopping cart system. This cart is compatible in most browsers, however, clients must have javascript enabled for this system to work. This cart system can be used to sell prints, clipart or any other item you would like to sell on-line. Options are included at checkout for sizes, resolution or any other options you would like to add like colors or a frame or matte choice. You can visit any gallery page in this sample website to test the checkout system.
View the step by step instructions.
Special Notes
1. This template uses javascript to add the checkout options. Some users may not have javascript enabled and this system may not work for a small percent of users. 2. In the default shopping cart setup, all your images must have the same group of prices associated with the options. This means that all your images must be priced the same, however, you can have as many prices listed in the checkout options as you need. EXAMPLE: You can have each image sold as an 8 x 10, 16 x 20, etc.. Eight gallery pages
without the Paypal forms
are also included for users not interested in selling images or prints.
View the Flash logo option.